Since the winter of 2020, The COVID-19 Data Project by BroadStreet has collected daily numbers of COVID-19 cases and deaths from states and their counties. We have noticed a disturbing pattern:
States are not reporting data for COVID-19 in a standardized process.
Having reliable data is crucial in decision-making processes, especially in times of Public Health emergencies such as the pandemic in which we are currently. In these situations, officials need to know what is happening within their jurisdiction. This is achievable if they are given accurate information.
Many people want to help find solutions. Infectious disease epidemiologists, researchers, and citizen scientists in The United States and around the world are willing and eager to help. Time is wasted if it is spent finding, assembling, and trouble-shooting missing and inconsistent data and methodologies. This leads to delays, and even inaccuracies, of critical information such as establishing true incidence, prevalence, and mortality rates. Ultimately, good data and clear, published methods would enable us to track the spread of the COVID-19 virus across the nation and to be proactive in creating effective strategies and policies.
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Our Recommendations
We suggest a new policy for pandemic disease control. The policy will create a database where states and their counties report consistent information on:
All of these variables must have clear guidelines on their definition, how to collect the information, and how to report data. The database will also allow states to Indicate where data is sourced and provide the data to the public. This creates an open source of information for the public to analyze. This also gives scientists the opportunity to research new and emerging diseases in real-time so that they are able to provide critical new information to help slow the spread of our next pandemic.
We are not alone in thinking this.
Zylla and Hartman discuss the accuracy and reliability of state COVID19 data dashboards, common indicators, and best practices in their webpage State COVID-19 Data Dashboards. They warn that users should be cautious about comparing states with one another. Although state indicators may be common, there are discrepancies in the way these indicators are defined. For example, “hospitalizations” can be defined as the total number of cases hospitalized by one state, while, to another, it can be defined as the number of hospitalizations per day.
Commentary Regarding COVID-19 Data Inconsistencies
CDC Resource on Data Collection:
The CDC Field Epidemiology Manual: Collecting Data
Examples of some inconsistencies:
And Many More...
Bachelor’s degree in Public Health Science | University of Maryland, College Park
Master of Public Health: Epidemiology | University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Bachelor’s degree in Nursing | University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth
Bachelor’s degree in Neuroscience
Master of Public Health: Global Health Epidemiology | University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Bachelor’s degree in Sociology | Portland State University, Portland
Master of Public Health: Epidemiology | University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Bachelor’s degree in Public Health and Applied Psychology
Masters of Public Health Candidate | New York University
Bachelor’s degree in Health Science and Sociology, dual majors
Masters of Public Health Candidate | New York University
Bachelor's degree in Public Health: Concentration in Biology | Elon University
Bachelor’s degree in Health Education Science (conc: Environmental Health) | Morgan State University